Paris: Day 41 of Quarantine / Confinement
/March 17th marks the first official day of confinement in France. Me myself, well I was already inside since the weekend before that. Talk of the virus had been growing, and neighboring Italy seemed to have skyrocketing cases of it. Panic and fear was starting to waft into the air and spread. A shutdown in France had already started to seem likely before Tuesday March 17th. But that was the first day.
And here we are today, 41 days into confinement. Back then I never could have imagined spending over a month confined in a 34 square meter (360 square feet) apartment - including bathrooms, closets and cabinets too. But of course even as I write this, I know I’m among the lucky ones - and on many levels at that. I’m confined in a relatively small space, but it provides everything I need from a shelter. I have a safe space that provides all of my sheltering needs.
My friends and family in the United States talk about “sheltering in place,” here we discuss “confinement,” and wonder when it will end. Monday May 11th is supposed to be the date that will start the process of de-confinement. But even now, as many lust after normalcy and longingly await a return of restaurants, bars and les bises, many also fear it as well. What does it mean to re-enter the world? Are we safe? Everyone is filled with questions, and it seems certain that no one has the answers. Theories abound, certainties are scarce.
The streets of Paris are quiet.
Me, day 41 of confinement out for a walk on the streets of Paris.